【 業 務 内 容 】

Merchandise business/Wholesale

日本未発表の優れた海外商品を世界市場から日本に、また日本で丁寧に作られた商品、JAPAN STYLEを世界に向けて発信し、日本と世界を結ぶ架け橋となることを目指しています。新たな価値、生活スタイルを積極的に提案、展開していきます。

Our mission is to establish a strong connection between Japan and the world by introducing exceptional foreign products that have not yet been seen in Japan. We will also present Japan-made products that truly exemplify the JAPAN STYLE to a global audience. We will proactively create and offer innovative values and lifestyles that will leave a lasting impact.



We are experts in crowdfunding and provide comprehensive services to ensure success. We offer assistance with pricing, negotiating, partnering with top logistics providers, and establishing a framework to successfully complete transactions. Trust us to help you achieve your crowdfunding goals.



Our mission is to ensure the safe and secure cultivation of crops by developing the soil. We are dedicated to creating an environment that is sustainable for all forms of life, including humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms, and promoting the practice of recycling. Furthermore, we are committed to producing wines that truly capture the essence of the terroir.